PackagingCapstone Prep
The Color of Music
Project 1: Infographic
Every song has a color, and each is broken up into smaller components that determine its outcome. Each of these elements is influenced by a color on the wheel spectrum, and when put together, give the song it’s aura. I comprised information from articles about “Chromesthesia” (A form of Synesthesia that allow people to visually see colors when hearing tunes), and “Spotify” data by their developers. The main elements I focused on were the Valence, Energy, and Acoustic-ness within a song, and where different percentages fit on the color wheel. I included other elements in my research, but the second part of this assignment I narrowed it down to three.
(See chart to right for collective information)

My biggest influence was the Spotify data add-on, MusicScapes.us. This site took your listening habits from Spotify, and put them into a virtual 3-D cube that can be turned and zoomed to see the specific song and color. I reached out to the person who created the program, who happened to be a Junior at Carnegie college. He gave me more insight to his thought process and color coding of the site.
From there I was also inspired by the Hues and Cues board game, and came up with the concept to combine the musicscapes data with the board game to create a new game in part 2 of this assignment.
(See above for pictures and link to site)
Project 2: Interactive

Multiple theories have been conducted based on relationships between music and corresponding colors. The research in this game focuses on the components of a song.
(Valence, Energy, Acoustic, Tempo, & Genres)
With how people associate them with colors on a gradient scale. The percentage of each song component determines where that song sits on the palette.
Rules of the Game:
Take turns drawing
& reading cards
(Song components first)

Players place a
pawn on the guess
(2 guesses per round)

Give the genre for
players final guess
(Players can stay put)

Reward chips for
closest guesses
(1 Chip – Within 1 spot)
(2 Chips – On the spot)

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