Cloud Fields

Worldbuilding / Illustration

Collaboration Project with 2 artists

Clouded Realms

Cloud Fields

The World






The World

Symbols, Region Map, & Questions

Inhabitants Title Name

Cloud Fields Region Map (Capital/Towns/Lakes/Mountains)

Inhabitants Birth Symbols

Worldbuilding Questions

Location on Map

Cloud Fields (Capital – Cloud Reach)

Sectioned Clans

Shrouds, Blooms, Mysts, & Wards

Types of Plants

Gilliflower (Food source), Poker Root (Construction Glue/Fan), Glow Thoot (Harnesses Healing abilities), Brittlebrush (Provides lighting)


Transparent, floating, cloud bodies with fireflies for hearts and glowing limbs. They communicate with their thoughts instead of verbally.


Shrouds are the only ones who possess magic and produce the power and lighting for neighboring societies. They are the most respected in the realm.

Society Name

Sparen (Short for Transparent)

Type of Biomes

Forest, Field, Swamp, & Tundra

Types of Animals

Organic Nature appearances similar to existing species. Cloudling (sheep), Mossback (deer), Stratustallions (Horse), Ursirrus (Bear), & Cumulobos (wolf).


All clans work together to provide resources to all biomes. They eat by absorbing through their hands and the rain. They cannot leave their land, or they can die.


Believe in a Deity(Henosis – Mother Nature controls all) & a demi-god (Epitiitus – Mythical being) to make decisions and oversee the land.


Sparen basic form

Sparen royal atire

Henosis – Diety (God)

Sparen Blooms Form

Sparen mysts form


Wisp (Sparen Spirit firefly)

Ursirrus (Lightning Bear)

Cumulobos (Cloud Wolf)


Glow-Thoot (Healing Abilities)

Gilli-Flower (Food Source)

BrittleBrush (Lightsource)

Poker Root (Construction Material)

Scenes & Structures

Blooms Field

Wards Fields

Ursirrus (Lightning Bear)

Wisp (Sparen Spirit firefly)

Ursirrus (Lightning Bear)


(Click image for story link)

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